White Kampot Pepper

White Kampot pepper is made from the mature red peppercorn. The red corns are washed and soaked in clean water to loosen the outer skin which is then removed, leaving behind the seed of the peppercorn which is naturally white in color. White Kampot pepper brings an intense spicy flavor without the fruity flavors fromContinue reading “White Kampot Pepper”

Red Kampot Pepper

Harvested when the pepper berries are fully mature, red Kampot pepper delivers a complex and flavorful taste that combines gentle sweetness with spicy undertones of black pepper. Its unique taste, less spicy than black pepper, offers sweet notes of red fruit, prunes, dates and honey. Freshly ground red Kampot pepper perfumes your salads and desserts.Continue reading “Red Kampot Pepper”

Black Kampot Pepper

The best pepper in the world. Green, unripe, peppercorns are harvested and sun-dried, transforming them into black Kampot peppercorns. Black Kampot pepper delivers intense heat balanced herbal aromas. Its potent heat and sweet flavors reveal resinous, eucalyptus and fresh mint notes. Freshly ground, black Kampot pepper is perfectly suited for grilled meats, fish, salads andContinue reading “Black Kampot Pepper”

Kampot Pepper from Cambodia

Kampot Pepper is the premium pepper cultivated for centuries in Cambodia’s Kampot province. It became known as one of the best peppers in the world, after gaining recognition in Europe during French colonization in the 1800s. More recently, it became the first Cambodian product to gain Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) from the European Union. GrownContinue reading “Kampot Pepper from Cambodia”