We are thrilled to see both Angkor Food and Angkor Chef mentioned in the article. You can tell that Linda Zavoral (the reporter) is very interested in Khmer cuisine and culture.
San Jose: 5 restaurants — French Vietnamese, Mexican, Cambodian and more — taking over key downtown spots
Published by Chef Channy
Chef Channy is a survivor of the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia. Chef was formally trained as an engineer and worked in Aerospace industry building jet fighters, and in Biotech industry building instruments that assist oncologist diagnoses and treats cancer patients. Additionally, Chef published her award winning memoir ShortHairDetention.com; and created a non-profit organization to support educators with teaching about Cambodian Genocide: CambodianGenocideResourceCenter.org. Currently, Chef spends most of her time perfecting Cambodian recipes for her food manufacturing company AngkorFood.com and cooking at her restaurant AngkorChef.com in downtown San Jose.
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